

For Schedule Information

(304) 343-7586

Printable schedules are high-quality PDF files that may take a long time to download. High-speed Internet access is recommended when downloading schedules and maps. To download and save a printable schedule and map, right click on the link for the appropriate route and select “Save link as…” or “Save Target As…” or “Save File As…”

To have a schedule mailed to you via U.S. Postal Service please contact us.

*Schedules labeled as “Inbound” are travel TO Downtown Charleston.

*Schedules labeled as “Outbound” are FROM Downtown Charleston.

Route # Route Name Route Schedule
1sa St. Albans
1wc West Charleston
2cc Cabin Creek
2kc Kanawha City
3n Nitro
3i Institute / WV State University
5 Tyler Mountain / Cross Lanes
6 Elkview
7 Campbells Creek
8 Sissonville
10 Northgate / Hillcrest Drive
11 Wertz Avenue
13 Beech Avenue
14 City Park
15 South Hills
16 South Park
17 Southside
18 Fort Hill / Montrose
19 Charleston Loop / Trolley
20 Virginia Street / Capitol Complex
21 Southridge / Trace Fork / Dudley Farms
22m Montgomery
22q Quincy Mall
23 Clendenin